Sunday, March 4, 2007

I'm back

Sorry about the lack of posts. I know the 4 of you who actually see my blog have been dissapointed. I'll be better...

Anyway, if you've read Erika's blog, you know a new bed is on the way for the two of us. VERY exciting. Having a consistently bad back, a new, firm but super-comfy bed can't do anything but help. Its very exciting! I got a new bed a few years ago, but it was a full size, so when Erika and I lived together after we were married (in case the kids are reading this), my full size bed was sent to the guest room, then the basement never to be seen of again.

Enough of that. This weekend we visited a place called "Lots for Tots". Its a place that has all used stuff, for very cheap prices. It was full of adorable clothing. We have been good about not buying too much clothing for the boy, because we don't know what we'll need, and it will probably be pretty rare that he'll be dressed up in cute outfits for around-the-house life.

That said:

I couldn't resist. After all, the Redsox are already down at Ft. Meyers. I just need to make sure I don't put him down in the woods when he is wearing his camo, may not be able to find him again. (The redsox outfit was $2.99!!!!!)

Check back soon, more exciting posts on the way!


Anonymous said...

Love the outfits & the post. We have been missing your updates. He will have to wear the red sox outfit when he sees Doug. Very glad you got a new mattress - LONG OVERDUE.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous this time is your Mom in case you hadn't guessed.