Around 4pm one the nurses here came to get Erika out of bed. Never a fun thing for a mother that just had a c-section. I was holding Drew, and two nurses were guiding Erika toward the bathroom. Things seemed to be going fine until she tried to turn around. "I'm going to faint" were her lasts words. The nurses plunked her down on the toilet fast, and the Erika was out. Next thing she knew 4 nurses (instead of 2) were in the bathroom with her with a wheelchair. Smelling salts and some cold compresses later, Erika was being wheeled back to bed. If I had to guess, her fainting spell had something to do with her lack of a 'real meal' or any food with a decent amount of calories for roughly 24 hours. She's fine now, back in bed. They won't try to move her again until the morning.
So then we decided to get some food in her. We ordered dinner, and got here a sandwich (for later) and some soup. It was tomato. Within 3 spoonfuls of the tomato soup I was scrambling to find a suitable container for her to lose what little lunch she had. Again, Erika is fine. The nausea went away in a few minutes. She still hasn't ate anything, but we are hoping to find some jello somewhere in this hospital.
Anyways, she is feeding Drew right now. She might not be hungry but it doesn't mean Drew isn't!

Tell Erika that her fainting spells and nausea are normal (coming from experience). It may be tough for her to get around the first couple of days. But walking is really, really important. I am just so happy for the both of you!
That would be me Christina - leaving the message...
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