Saturday, March 29, 2008

More that you won't see on that 'other' site!

Drew and I spent most of the day together as Erika was out driving in her new car, and to a crop. So while I had the opportunity, I took some pictures of the Drewbee, only to be seen on this blog.

Erika has been Scooped!!

This is our new car, or we should say, Drew's new car.  We are very excited!    Check Erika's blog out later because she'll have the news later (even though it will be OLD news).

Monday, March 10, 2008

Drewbee going for Big Boy Ride!!

This past weekend we reached a big milestone.  Drew went to the grocery store, and he rode the entire time in the cart seat.  His Grandma B made him a very cute seat cover to protect him from grocery store cooties.    Don't mind the tounge, its always there.  Always. 

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Queen - American Idol

Anytime someone on American Idol has the nerve to sing a Queen song, I have to spend the next day or so going through my Queen music to cleanse my auditory pallet.     Just thought I would share as I sit here doing my work listening to authentic Queen.