This occured a well over a year ago. Erika had gone to bed, and the next day was her birthday. I had bought her a card and rather than just signing it, I thought I would be cute and clever by enlisting the help of Dixie (aka Whumpie). I wanted Dixie to sign the card. How you ask? With a paw print. But how do I get a cat paw print?

Due to Erika's scrapbooking hobbies, she had big ink pads she used for stamping. So, I simply took the cat, pressed her paw against the ink pad, and pressed it on the card. For anyone wanting to try this... it doesn't work. A cat has all these little hairs between it's pads that act as out of control paint brushes. All that ended up on card was smudged mess. I tried. I failed, not a big deal. Although it would have been neat if it worked.
I cleaned up Dixie's paw as much as she would let me. She still had some ink on her paw, but it was dry and wasn't going to stain anything. So I freed her from her signing duties. She walked down the hall into the kitchen to get a drink of water.
An interesting habit of my favorite cat Dixie that I didn't know about until that night... When she walks up to a water bowl, she will actually stick her paw INTO the water to check the depth (I assume). Then she will flick the water off her paw. She happened to user her inked paw.
I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light. To my HORROR, I see a very prominent streak of blue ink dots running about 3 feet high up our bright yellow walls. Walls, that my wife worked very hard into painting. I felt like a kid who knew he had to tell his parents something very bad the next morning. I touched one of the spots with my finger, and it smudged making it worse. I was in a panic.
Enter the Magic Eraser. I remember Erika mentioning how great this thing is, although I never gave it a second though. Turns out the Magic Eraser was, Magic! It cleaned ink droplets off a yellow wall without any trace.
Bottom line you should always have a Magic Eraser handy. You never know when you will need to clean ink off a wall, or a cat.
ha ha, this still makes me laugh! :)
Question is: Did you learn anything? Cute story.
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