Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Slacking 101

Wow, 8 posts in the past two months. I doubt anyone comes here now because of the lack of content, and I don't blame them. I even forgot what my last post was so I had to look at the my actual blog.

So Drew is sleeping on his belly right now. He's been 'in bed' for just under 6 hours now and he's slept about 4 of them on his belly. This is the first time he's ever slept on his belly. In those 4 hours of belly time, I've been staring at the TV monitor for roughly 3 hours and 50 minutes of those. It's very nerve wracking. And i've even snuck in there and moved his head because I didn't think the position was conducive to his breathing. He seems to be pretty happy though, hasn't slept this good in a while.

First laugh was the other day. It simply took putting his pants on my head and saying "Peeyeww" 100 million times. Worked though. I was able to get a couple of giggles out of him the next day, but none Monday. We'll see how Tuesday goes.

Anyways, thats all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always checks yours out. Glad to have you adding your posts.