Saturday, March 31, 2007
I have no words...
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Old MacDonald Had a Farm...

The bunnies neighbors were even cuter. This litter of Lab/Golden Retreiver mix puppies were sawing them off, no cares in the world. The mother was PROTECTIVE! I did get a little one on four time with the pups when they mom was out on the town. So cute. Someday.
The place was a mud pit, as most places are this time of year. I'm not sure what the yellowish/green is, but being surrounded by horses and other animals I have an idea. Good thing it was my left boot that has the hole in the side. Nice legs, huh?
This is Sir Thomas. Also known as a BIG horse! He is a 14 year old, 17 + hand draft Belgian gelding (according to the website). Its taken a while to be comfortable being this close to a horse, but they still are pretty intimidating. Dan and I have a joke that they are just like big dogs. Let them smell your hand, and they will let you know if they are cool with you or not.
Ned! This is Ned the donkey. Huge fuzzy ears. I love fuzzy ears.
This is Tank up front. Tank is a big horse too, just not as big as Sir Thomas. Tank is Dan's horse, loves carrots and is a good horse (as far as I can tell). In the background is Captain, and 14+ year old former police horse. Tank bullies Captain around. Captain likes carrots too. Thats the pen that I'll be cleaning. I guess it hasn't been cleaned since early winter (before everything froze).
Here is a better picture of me and Tank taken last March. When you lead a horse, you should always be on the left. Why? No clue. But thats a rule I learned.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Culling Time

Friday, March 23, 2007
Turkey for me, Turkey for you
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Chicken Erika and Quiznos
Then sunday came. We did errands to Target, Home Depot, and BJs. Nothing too exciting. We wrapped up our trip by stopping at Quiznos. I've always been more of a D'Angelos man myself, but I really enjoy Quiznos. The biggest problem I have with Quiznos is that they refuse to post nutritional information about their food anywhere. You can't find it on their website, in their stores ect. You can find places that estimate it, but you get nothing from the Quiznos corporation. Who does that now a days? And if you don't share your nutritional info, you must be hiding something. And the more I think about it, the more annoyed I get. I'm not the only one. I think we are done eating there. At least make a very rare occasion... wow, this post got off track... anyways, here is the picture from the very yummy, but horribly bad for you sub. It was a Peppercorn Prime Rib. (picture by Erika)

Friday, March 16, 2007
Just a quick post. Here I am hunkered down enjoying our (hopefully) final snow storm of the year. Other than my hands, it was quite cozy. I was listening to two owls talking to each other, and turkeys way off in the distance.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Dreams VS Reality
Welcome to my reality... my harsh reality.

This is my shelter in the woods. Basically a lean-two. It sits right on the corner of my property, the opening facing North. You'll notice I still have a tarp for a roof. The roof is a spring project. In the first picture you'll see the winter configuration, with a place for a fire and fire wood. It actually gets nice and toasty in there. Second picture is looking at the corner of my property, beyond the rock wall is the oodles of woods. Turkey territory. Third picture is just another angle at the utilitarian-hut. Its very basic, but does what it is suppose to. Someday I'll have something like the picture we started with... someday....
Sunday, March 11, 2007
My Girl
Monday, March 5, 2007
Turkeys and Robins
Throughout the day it isn't uncommon that Erika and I will call each other just to say hi, or tell each other something that happened ect. So today I was sitting in my upstairs office and as I looked out the window I saw 9 robins sitting in one tree. I had to share such a a wonderful harbinger of spring with my wife so I called her and told her about it.
Later that day she mention how funny it is that we get excited about a few robins in tree, but seeing a large flock of wild turkeys isn't worth a call anymore.
We do love our turkeys though, we probably take them for granted. I especially enjoy watching them when they are in the woods, it just seems more natural. Here is a picture of some of our turkey friends hanging out in the woods. We had a brief blizzard this afternoon and they just hunkered down and waited it out.

Sunday, March 4, 2007
I'm back
Anyway, if you've read Erika's blog, you know a new bed is on the way for the two of us. VERY exciting. Having a consistently bad back, a new, firm but super-comfy bed can't do anything but help. Its very exciting! I got a new bed a few years ago, but it was a full size, so when Erika and I lived together after we were married (in case the kids are reading this), my full size bed was sent to the guest room, then the basement never to be seen of again.
Enough of that. This weekend we visited a place called "Lots for Tots". Its a place that has all used stuff, for very cheap prices. It was full of adorable clothing. We have been good about not buying too much clothing for the boy, because we don't know what we'll need, and it will probably be pretty rare that he'll be dressed up in cute outfits for around-the-house life.
That said:
I couldn't resist. After all, the Redsox are already down at Ft. Meyers. I just need to make sure I don't put him down in the woods when he is wearing his camo, may not be able to find him again. (The redsox outfit was $2.99!!!!!)
Check back soon, more exciting posts on the way!